Web Graphics
Web graphic design Wokingham, Reading, Bracknell, Berkshire
Although I design websites, I also design graphics for use online, such as banners or elements for websites that already exist, or for a site you are building. Web graphics can also include graphics for your company Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram pages.
In fact if you are a web designer, give me a shout as we may well be able to work together. I have a couple of clients with whom I have this arrangement.
I understand that in some peoples’ eyes this could cause a conflict of interest. What happens if you are a web designer and you engage me to design a site for you and produce the graphics you need and I pinch your client?
Well, I can assure you that is NOT how I roll. I don’t conduct my business like that. I realise that to become rich in business you must be ruthless, but I’m not. I will still succeed, but it will by being ethical, friendly and trustworthy. Maybe I won’t be as rich as businesspeople who are ruthless, but I will sleep at night.
If you have any questions, why not ask via the contact page? Feel free to ask for advice. Even if we don’t end up doing business together, I’m happy to help you in any way I can.